Landmarks and Historic Districts in Buffalo - Table of Contents

Buffalo Listings - Historic American Buildings Survey
HABS - Official Website

(Online May 2020)

The list below is reprinted from the
Historic American Buildings Survey: Buffalo New York


in the order listed on HABS:

The Historic American Buildings Survey contains photos and data pages.

Buffalo Lighthouse, Buffalo Harbor, Buffalo River & Lake Erie

Fireboat EDWARD M. COTTER, Moored on the Buffalo River at 155 Ohio Street

Concrete-Central Elevator, 175 Buffalo River, Buffalo

Buffalo Gas Light Company, 249 West Genesee Street

Buffalo Grain Elevators

Kreiner Malting Grain Elevator, 50 Elk Street

State Lunatic Asylum, 400 Forest Avenue

Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, Lackawanna Terminal, Main Street & Buffalo River

Buffalo City Hall, 65 Niagara Square

Erie Railway, East Buffalo Station

Greater Buffalo International Airport, Maintenance Hangar

LTV Steel, 8-inch Bar Mill, Buffalo Plant

U. S. Custom House, Washington & Seneca Streets

Oldman Boiler Works, 32 Illinois Street,

Oldman Boiler Works, Fabricating Shop, 32 Illinois Street

Cary House, 184 Delaware Avenue

Erie County Savings Bank, 16 Niagara Street

Kremlin Building, Pearl & Eagle Streets

St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Shelton Square

Great Northern Elevator, 250 Ganson Street

Standard Elevator, 1 Saint Clair Street

Wollenberg Grain & Seed Elevator, 133 Goodyear Avenue

Washburn Crosby Elevator, 54 South Michigan Avenue

Connecting Terminal Elevator, 100 Fuhrmann Boulevard

Spencer Kellogg Elevator, 389 Ganson Street

Cooperative Grange League Federation Elevator, 385 Ganson Street

Electric Grain Elevator, 40 Childs Street

American Elevator, 87 Childs Street

Perot Malting Elevator, 100 Childs Street

Lake & Rail Elevator, 120 Childs Street

Marine "A" Elevator, 105 Childs Stree

Superior Elevator, 874 Ohio Street

Saskatchewan Cooperative Elevator, 1489 Furhmann Boulevard

Urban Mill & Elevator, 200 Urban Street
H-O Oats Elevator, 54 Fulton Street

Meyer Malting Grain Elevator, 1314 Niagara Street

International Railway Bridge, Spanning the Niagara River

Darwin D. Martin House, 125 Jewett Parkway       

St. Louis Roman Catholic Church, Main & Edward Streets

U. S. Post Office, 121 Ellicott Street

Oldman Boiler Works, Boilershop, 32 Illinois Street

Oldman Boiler Works, Office/Machine Shop, 32 Illinois Street

Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic Church, 317 Leroy Avenue

William Dorsheimer House, 438 Delaware Avenue,

Erie County Hall

W. R. Heath House, 76 Soldiers Place

Erie Railway, Kensington Avenue Station, Kensington Avenue

Erie Railway, Main Street Station, Main Street

Erie Railway, Walden Avenue Station, Walden Avenue

Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Lackawanna Plant, Route 5 on Lake Erie

Cyclorama Building, 369 Franklin Street

Standard Milling Company, 503 Seneca

American Brass Foundry, 70 Sayre Street

Peace Bridge, Spanning the Niagara River

Prudential Building, 28 Church Street

Ansley Wilcox House, 641 Delaware Avenue

Page by Chuck LaChiusa in 2015
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