Linwood Ave. - Table of Contents

417 Linwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY


Marling & Burdett

Building Plans Filed:

November 1, 1887 by Marling & Burdett




Landmark building as part of the Linwood Preservation District

Click on illustrations for larger size -- and additional information

This house is a classic Shingle style house. The first floor is brick, and the second floor and roof were wooden shingle (roof replacement not shingle). Original porch removed.

Note the four overhangs (jetties) on the façade.

The prominent front gable roof features gable dormer windows and two shingle styles. The contrasting colors are also important in the overall design.

Detail from previous photo.
Contrasting shingle shapes are emphasized by contrasting paint colors. Note two rows of
dentil molding.

  • Foliated corbel
  • Saw tooth wooden shingles
  • Orange brick with dark mortar

North side of house

North side of house: shingle-covered gable and dormers

North side of house

North side of house: leaded windows

The south side of the building features an engaged, round tower. Originally, there was a porte cochere on the south side, also.

Photos and their arrangement © 2002 Chuck LaChiusa
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